The CSR commitments of the Hôtel Mercure Compiègne Sud and its "A l'Epicerie" restaurant
In collaboration with Atypio Hotels Resorts (its owner-operator) and Accor (its franchisor), the Hôtel Mercure Compiègne Sud and its restaurant "A l'Epicerie" are adopting a positive hospitality approach.
Let's find out more about our services, commitments, actions and future projects in the field of sustainable tourism. Please note that we attach particular importance to promoting Made in France quality products and services, to our anti-plastic actions for all individual products, and to our actions in terms of sustainable catering.
Here are a few concrete examples of our investments in CSR commitments. This list is not exhaustive. For more information on our CSR commitments, we invite you to follow our "News" page / our social networks.
Charter Better
Creation of the MIEUX Charter - Atypio Hôtels Resorts x Mercure team - "A l'Epicerie" Compiègne Sud
In 2022, we are proud to have joined the Collectif Mieux via Atypio Hôtels Resorts. From September of that year, we took time to reflect, understand and draw up the Atypio climate mural, which served as the basis for our BETTER Charter. It was a great moment of collaboration with the other Atypio hotel and head office teams to create a concrete charter with nine commitments to the planet, customers and employees. The Better Charter was thus written by several hands before coming into force in January 2023.

Submitting an application
Le Green Key Label: confirmation of our CSR commitments
The Green Key label, part of the TERAGIR programme, is a distinction awarded to hotels and restaurants that adhere to it and contribute to achieving the UN's 17 sustainable development goals. This recognition underlines the quality of the CSR commitments made in terms of protecting biodiversity, preserving natural and cultural heritage, conserving water and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. A label that congratulates our commitment to a BETTER, more sustainable environment.
This responsible approach also helps to improve working conditions for our employees and to rally people around strong values and local roots.
In March 2023, Mercure Compiègne Sud and its restaurant "A l'Epicerie" have decided to apply for the Green Key label, and we will have the pleasure of informing you of the jury's decision in January 2024.
In March 2023, Mercure Compiègne Sud and its restaurant "A l'Epicerie" began the process of obtaining the Clef Verte label. And we've got it! We're proud to have been awarded the Green Key label since January 2024! .
Honey with Marc VALLEE
The existence of a World Bees Day (20 May) reminds us of the essential role that bees and other pollinators play. According to the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, the value of the ecological and economic services provided by bees corresponds to 577 billion. In addition, one third of the world's food production is directly dependent on their pollination activity, and bees are the most effective pollinators. Through the pollination of plants, bees promote agricultural production, which ensures food security, and through their highly nutritious products (honey, royal jelly, pollen, etc.), the nutritional security of the population.
Yet bees and other pollinators are in decline in some of the world's major agricultural regions. In addition, more and more pollinator species around the world could become extinct due to a variety of pressures, many of which are human-induced. Thank you to Mr Marc VALLEE, our hotel's beekeeper partner, for allowing us to contribute to helping the bees in our garden. KEY FIGURES :

Craft products
Discover natural artisanal products made in France on our breakfast buffets, in our restaurant dishes and in our grocery shop in Compiègne Sud.
Each season we carefully select products from the Aix&terra factory, which has been awarded the "Elysée Présidence de la République x Aix&terra" brand since summer 2023. Our selected products include jams with unique flavours and no colourings or preservatives. You'll find these jams in our hotel in flavours such as Menton lemon, PDO figs from Provence, Cavaillon melon, organic IGP garlic from the Drôme and Tanche olives from Nyons. Not to mention organic quality!
An eco-citizen attitude with our partnership with Castalie, a French Social and Solidarity Economy start-up. During your stay, discover micro-filtered, neutral-tasting still, sparkling or chilled water that has no impact on the environment. Served in bottles with a simple, elegant design, the water is produced and refreshed directly on site. Bottles are no longer transported, stored or discarded, and packaging made of reduced plastic.
A sustainable commitment for our hotel, meeting rooms and restaurant.

Anti-waste Phoenix
How can we reduce food waste together?
Did you know that almost a third of what we produce on Earth is wasted? In fact, a third of the energy and resources needed to produce, transport and distribute our food is thrown away.
What can be done about it?
Since 2021, we have decided to develop our restaurant menu with a focus on seasonal ingredients. We are also increasing our range of vegetarian dishes each year. We encourage our customers to book their breakfast and meals in advance to allow us to better plan our production. We prefer to offer restocking during service to limit waste.
We sell our unsold goods every day or reuse them thanks to our anti-waste recipes.
It should be noted that we have banned endangered species of fish from our menu and that 100% of the meat served in individual restaurants is French.

Quality made in France, promoted as soon as possible.
As previously mentioned, our owner-operator makes it a point of honour to promote Made in France. Discover some of our French suppliers and partners. Our daily collaboration contributes to the quality of your stay with us:
Aix&terra, Dvine, Nuxe, Saint Jean, Les bières Félicité, Saint Rieul, Café Richard, Les Ruches de Marc Vallée, Castalie. And there are many others: our maintenance partners in green spaces and our cleaning company, companies with whom we collaborated during our renovation, for example in terms of in-room decoration and signage.
A commitment to CSR at Mercure - A l'Epicerie Compiègne Sud.
Photo: French Tetra pack bottle
Anti-plastic commitment
Reducing the use of plastic products at the Hôtel Mercure Compiègne Sud
Since 2021, the Hôtel Mercure Compiègne Sud has been working to eliminate individual packaging and plastic products in order to be more environmentally friendly. Individual welcome products have been replaced by eco-pumps for shampoo and soap in the rooms. Plastic cups have been replaced by cardboard or glass cups in the bathrooms. Plastic straws and stirrers have been replaced by paste/cardboard utensils. What's more, the plastic water bottle in the rooms has been replaced by a carafe of local quality water. In addition, the hotel has introduced a micro-filtered water solution for catering areas and events, in its fight against the excessive use of plastic.
Photo credit: Accor Photothèque.

Preserving our resources
Implementing measures for maintenance and monitoring energy consumption
We have taken steps to ensure customer satisfaction since we were acquired by Atypio Hotels Resorts. We have introduced preventive maintenance measures and carefully monitor energy consumption. We have replaced conventional lighting with low-energy lighting (+60%) and installed master switches in all our rooms. We have also fitted presence detectors in common areas to optimise energy management (with the exception of the lobby). We have also carried out a full Eco-flux audit.
Sharing our green practices with our customers since 2022
Since 2022, we have had a programme in place to promote environmentally-friendly practices among our customers. As part of this programme, we have introduced a system for reusing sheets and towels for stays of one to three nights. We make a point of washing at temperatures below 60°C. We share information on accessibility by public transport with our customers.
Sort and recycle
Mercure Hôtel Compiègne Sud is committed to collecting and sorting its waste: coffee capsules, glass, yellow and brown waste and grey water.
Beforehand, we decided to work with a majority of products in bulk or in large packs to limit the amount of packaging we have to sort and recycle.
In 2023, we carried out a full Take a waste audit of our waste sorting and collection systems in order to make improvements.
We suggest that our customers place their recyclable waste on the desk in their room so that it can be sorted and recycled.
Finally, our refurbishment in 2022 has been organised in such a way as to enable us to recycle virtually all our furniture and reinvest in high-quality, sustainable solutions.

Other actions
# BIODIVERSITY : our cleaning team uses eco-labelled cleaning products, as in over 85% Accor franchised hotels.
This helps to preserve biodiversity by limiting the impact on the environment and protecting local flora and fauna. Traditional cleaning products can contain substances that are harmful to the environment, such as chemicals and pollutants. By using eco-labelled products, our cleaning team is helping to reduce these negative impacts and preserve biodiversity. This approach is in line with the Accor group's sustainable development policy, which aims to minimise the environmental footprint of its activities and to promote responsible practices in the management of natural resources and the protection of biodiversity.